Saturday 11 January 2014

[HemiSync] tfcs.o Feel Good on Purpose Alpha Meditation Hemi-Sync Meditation. Video.

This relaxing alpha meditation uses brain entrainment audio to lull you into a nice, receptive state -- and you get to choose what kind of suggestions you'd like to make to your unconscious mind. Relax as you enjoy the tones, gaze at the images, and close your eyes whenever you are ready as you enter a delightful alpha state. You can use this light trance state to give yourself positive suggestion, or just allow your brain a rest for a change.

One fun way to use this state: Do you have a problem that you'd like to resolve easily and effortlessly? On your internal screen, visualize a movie of your problem playing out. Then move that screen to the right as you bring in a new screen from the left, and imagine the resolution of your problem playing through. Finally, send THAT screen to the right and bring in a new screen from the left, on which you play the ideal, already resolved situation -- the you you'll be after you've powerfully, effectively, joyfully, easily, and effortlessly gotten completely through your learning experience and are loving your life. 

If you use TIME Techniques, you may want to use this state for building a compelling and inspiring outcome into your future timeline, or for releasing old negative emotion or limiting beliefs or anxieties. Please see for more information on TIME Techniques.


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